VJB Partner s r.o - Tooling shop
ISO 9001
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Tooling shop

The company VJB PARTNER s r.o has a good tool shop fully equipped for production and maintenance of molds and tools..

Production, maintenance of tools and molds
We provide production, adjustment and maintenance of all forms and tools that are designed for use in our company. Ultrasonic cleaner provides quality cleaning required parts and helps to maintain a higher lifetime of parts.

Piece production of atypical products to order
We offer a unit-production of special metal or plastic parts according to the drawings from customer, including hardening or other finishes. We provide production as on CNC lathes as on convention machines. We produce various special products in the piece or small batches for maximum customer satisfaction.

Production of forming rolls into profiling lines
To our specialization include the production of cylinders for shaping profiles in profiling machines. In this regard, we offer complex services from design and manufacture of standard cylinders to production of cylinders with special modifications including hardening. We produce up to 300mm diameter cylinders larger cylinders by prior arrangement. So far, we haven´t to our work any complaint as well as we can say that we offer reasonable prices with focus on quality.


ultrasonic cleaner
tool shop
CNC lathe
stamping tool
gear wheel
cutting tool
machine working, piece production
precision drilling
forming rolls
forming rolls
forming rolls
pressure vessel
  • plastic and metal parts
  • custom production
  • short delivery terms
  • flexibility
  • machine processing
  • own toolroom

VJB Partner s.r.o.

K lanovce 1042

362 51 Jáchymov

Česká republika


Tel.: (+420) 353 811 431

Fax: (+420) 353 811 614

E-mail: vjb@vjbpartner.cz


©2014 VJB Partner s.r.o., K lanovce 1042, 362 51 Jáchymov, ÄŒeská republika

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